I only accept currencies in Rupiah or Dollar!

Everything is fully rendered, you may ask for a different kind of commission with price offers or I decide the price.

— Commission 🏷️


— Additional Information

  1. Drawing particulars:

    1. Size: 2000 x 2500 px.
    2. Client can change size and orientation.
  2. Additional Price:

    1. Additional detailed background: +Rp. 200.000,00/$40 USD.
  3. Terms and conditions:

    1. For commercial use will be charged twice the original price.
    2. I cannot draw NSFW, gore (slight blood is okay), muscular, old people, mecha, armor, and over-detailed characters.
    3. Estimated process within 2-7 days (can be longer if I have a tight schedule).
    4. Finished art will be posted on Instagram and Twitter if the customer allows it.
    5. Finished art will be sent via email/drive for HD.
  4. Payment method:

    1. Dana;
    2. OVO;
    3. Gopay;
    4. Paypal.

    センスのある画像貼ってけ _ 哲学ニュースnwk.jpeg